More score custimation please!

More score custimation please!

Our company has been using AhaSlides for a while now. It has been a helpful tool.

However, I find that for a website that specializes in quizzes, the amount of score customization available is surprisingly low. The "partial scoring" option is a good start, but it's not sufficient.

A lot of participants in our quizzes complain about getting no points when you've selected mostly right answers, but selected a single wrong one. I think giving us the option to customize this, like allowing the quiz creator to decide a certain amount of points to remove for each mistake, would be beneficial. That way, participants can still receive points if their answer is mostly right. By making the amount of points lost customizable, you can also make mistakes more or less penalizing. There should also be an option to cap a question's minimum score at zero, so you don't get negative points.

You could also make it possible to customize how many points each individual answer is worth, in case some answers are more important than others. This could be useful in a class setting, where a question could have a main answer everyone should know because it was in the lesson (being worth more points), and then other answers that are also correct (not in the lesson, but to reward students who did extra research) would give you an extra edge but not worth as much as the "main answer".
For example :
Q : what are the states of matter?
A : Liquid (+30pts if selected)
B : Plasma (+10pts if selected)
C : Gas (+30pts if selected)
D : Granules (Wrong answer)
E : Solid (+30pts if selected)
F : Gelatin (Wrong answer)
Here, all students are expected to answer A, C, E, but any students who have done further reading will also answer B and will get a little extra points for it (because they aren't expected to know that at their level).

Thanks for your consideration. I know I'm not the only one asking for this!
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