Moving and Editing Multiple Slides | AhaSlides Help

Moving and Editing Multiple Slides

You can edit the design and embedded audio of multiple slides at the same time, either with or without Grid View.

Editing Slides without Grid View

To quickly edit multiple slides, you can simply use the navigation column on the left-side of your editor.
  1. Hold CTRL + click on each slide to select it.
  2. Hold SHIFT + click to select a range of slides from A to B.

What is Grid View?

Opening the Grid View on the editor will let you preview all the slides in your presentation in a grid. For presentations with many slides, this is the best way to rearrange, delete and edit multiple slides.

Editing Slides with Grid View

1. Opening Grid View

To open Grid View in the AhaSlides editor, click on Grid View at the bottom of the left-hand panel:

From here, you can close the grid view by clicking ‘Close’ in the right corner of the bottom panel.

2. Selecting Multiple Slides

To select multiple slides at once, click the ‘Select’ button in the top panel. Click the slides that you want to select, then click the ‘Done’ button when finished.

⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts:
– Hold CTRL + click on each slide to select it.
– Hold SHIFT + click to select a range of slides from A to B.

3. Editing Multiple Slides

Grid view allows you to edit the backgrounds and audio of multiple slides at the same time. To do this, select the slides you wish to edit and come to the right-hand panel:

  • Under the ‘Design’ tab, you can change text colour, base colour, background image and background visibility.
  • Under the ‘Audio’ tab, you can add an audio track and edit the playback settings of that track.

4. Moving Individual or Multiple Slides

On grid view, you can drag-and-drop one or more slides to a different position in your presentation.

  • To move an individual slide, simply select it, then drag-and-drop it to your desired position.
  • To move multiple slides, select the slides you want to move, then drag-and-drop them to your desired position. Click the ‘Done’ button when finished.

You can also use the ‘Rearrange’ button in the bottom panel to move one or more slides. Just select the slides you want to move, click the ‘Rearrange’ button and select what slide position you want to move your selected slides to:

5. Duplicating Multiple Slides

To duplicate multiple slides at once, select the slides you want to duplicate and click the ‘Duplicate’ button in the bottom panel:

⭐ Please note that when you duplicate slides, any audience response data from those slides will not be duplicated.

6. Copying Multiple Slides to Other Presentations

To copy multiple slides to another presentation, select the slides you want to copy and click the ‘Copy to…’ button in the bottom panel. Then, select the presentation to which you want to copy those slides, as well as their new slide position in that presentation:

Protip: This is a great way to merge two presentations into one. To do this, you can create a new presentation and use the ‘Copy to…’ button to copy the slides you want from your two existing presentations into your new presentation!

With this option, you can also choose whether or not you want to copy across any audience response data on the original slide.

7. Clearing Audience Response Data on Multiple Slides

To erase any response data from your audience across multiple slides, select the slides on which you want to erase the audience responses, then click the ‘Clear result' in the panel.

8. Deleting Multiple Slides

To delete multiple slides at the same time, click the 'Select' button, select the slides you want to delete, and click 'Done'. Then, click the ‘Delete’ button in the panel.

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