AhaSlides lets you embed audio into individual slides or set up presentation music to play throughout your presentation.

Please note that this feature is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans.
How does Audio Work?
On AhaSlides you can set up audio to play during your presentation. This audio can either play on each individual slide as you present it (Slide Audio), or throughout the entire presentation (Presentation Audio). It is possible to alter the settings to have Slide Audio play through each participants' phone, but it is not possible to change the settings of Presentation Audio; the audio will simply autoplay through the presenter's device for the duration of the presentation.
When any audio is playing you will find the controls in the top-left corner of the slide. If you hover over the button with the icon of a musical note, you will be able to pause, play and adjust the volume of the audio coming from your (the presenter's) device.
It is possible to have both Presentation Audio and Slide Audio set up in your presentation. In this case, the Slide Audio will take priority over the Presentation Audio when you present that slide, but any slides without Slide Audio will revert to playing the Presentation Audio.

Please note that it is not possible to set up audio on the Spinner Wheel, YouTube slide and QR Code slide.
How to Set Up Slide Audio
- Select the slide on which you would like to play the audio and click the 'Audio' tab.
- Under 'Slide audio', either click the dropdown menu to select a song from the AhaSlides audio library or press the blue 'Upload' button to embed your own audio (mp3 format only with a maximum file size of 15mb).
3. Once you have selected a slide audio track or uploaded your own, you will see checkboxes for the audio settings.,
- Autoplay - Check this box to have audio play immediately once you arrive at the slide in the presentation.
- On repeat - Check this box to have the audio automatically play again once it finishes.
- Playable on audience's devices - Check this box to have audio play through the audience devices as well as the presenter's. If you check this, another checkbox will appear saying 'Show media controls'. Checking this will mean each audience member can play, pause and adjust the volume of the audio playing on their own device.

Please note that some smartphones may prevent audio tracks from automatically playing. In that case, the participant will see a prompt to press the play button.
How to Set Up Presentation Audio
- Select any slide in your presentation and click the 'Audio' tab of that slide.
- Under 'Presentation audio', select a song from the dropdown menu.

At the moment, it is not yet possible to upload your own audio file as Presentation Audio.
Audio on Quiz Slides
Like with other slide types, it is possible to upload Slide Audio onto any of the quiz slide types (except for Spinner Wheel). However, audio on the quiz slides works slightly differently because the first quiz slide in a presentation will also include the lobby. There are two things to bear in mind with this:
- The quiz lobby is the only place where the Presentation Audio will take priority over the Slide Audio. The Presentation Audio will play in the lobby, but the Slide Audio will play during the questions.
- If you have selected Presentation Audio, it is not possible to have quiz Sound effects. The checkbox for Sound effects under General quiz settings will be greyed out.
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