1. Open your Google Slides presentation.
2. Click on Extensions in the top toolbar, then select Add-ons > Get add-ons.
3. In the search bar, type 'AhaSlides for Google Slides™', then click Install.
4. Once installed, go back to Extensions and select AhaSlides for Google Slides > Open Sidebar to open the AhaSlides Add-on sidebar.
Step 2: Adding an Interactive Slide
1. After opening the sidebar, log into your AhaSlides account as you normally would.

If you're logged into multiple Google Accounts at the same time, you might have trouble accessing your add-ons and web apps. Multi-login, or being logged into multiple Google Accounts at once, isn't supported for Apps Script, add-ons, or web apps.
- If you open AhaSlides add-on and experience multi-login issues, try one of the following solutions:
- Log out of all your Google Accounts and only log in to the one that has the add-on or web app you want to access.
- Open an incognito window in Google Chrome, or an equivalent private browsing window, and log in to the Google Account that you are using AhaSlides.
2. From the sidebar, choose the type of interactive slide you’d like to add to your Google Slides presentation (e.g., Poll, Pick Answer, Word Cloud).
3. Customize the slide content directly from the AhaSlides sidebar to suit your presentation.
Step 3: Presenting Your Interactive Slides
1. Once you’ve added and customized your interactive slides, navigate back to the home screen of the sidebar and click 'Present with AhaSlides', you then can choose Present now (Present from the current slide) or Present from beginning (Present from the first slide)
- This will open a new tab, switching your AhaSlides slides to Presenting mode.
2. You can easily switch between your Google Slides and AhaSlides presentation tabs as needed.
3. During your presentation, responses from your audience will appear in real-time on your AhaSlides slides.