Using an Open-Ended Slide | AhaSlides Help

Using the Open Ended Slide

The open-ended slide lets you pose a question and gather written responses from your audience. There is no multiple choice in an open-ended slide; participants can answer freely.

How to Use the Open-Ended Slide

Check out this video for a 1-minute explainer on how to make an open-ended slide 👇

Step 1: Create your slide and question

Start by creating a new slide and selecting the open Ended slide type from the options. Write your question or statement in the box labelled 'your question'.

Step 2 (optional): Add additional fields

Below the 'your question' box, you can choose to collect additional info that is shown alongside each response, such as the responder's name, email address, etc. You can see more on this here.

Step 3 (optional): Change the settings

There are 7 settings that you can change on your open-ended slide:
1. Time limit: When checked, your participants can answer in the time limit specified. You can choose the time between 5 seconds and 20 minutes.

While running the open ended slides, you have the option to turn off the timer or change the time limit. If you turn off the timer, you cannot turn it on again in the present mode. You will need to switch back to edit mode to enable the timer again.


2. Hide results: This hides the submitted responses from the presenter's screen as they're being submitted. On the slide, there will be a button to reveal the responses whenever you want.
3Change layout: You can choose how the results are displayed on the presenter screen. You can choose between showing them in a grid or one by one. You can switch between these two views while presenting.
4. Close submission: Close submissions for specific slides can be useful if you need to clarify a question before your audience submits their answers, or for any other reason where you do not want the participants to submit their answers to a question at that moment.

 When presenting, you can click the "Submission closed" icon to enable the audience to submit their answers, and click on the "Submission opened" icon to close it.


5. Allow audience to submit more than once: This allows each participant to submit their responses an unlimited amount of times.
6. Allow audience to submit images: Participants can accompany answers with an image from their device. See below for more on this.
7. Filter profanity: This turns on the profanity filter, which automatically censors English language swear words when they're submitted by your audience. (Note: checking this box will apply the profanity filter throughout your entire presentation.)

Step 4: Present and get Responses

Once you press the 'Present' button, your participants will be able to submit their responses to your open-ended slide. Responses will appear in the order they were submitted and in the format ('Grid' or 'One by One) that you selected when setting up the slide.

To switch between 'Grid' view and 'One by one' view while presenting, simply click on the 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and navigate to 'change layout'.

While presenting, you can also...

1) Click on any response to enlarge it
2) Hover over any response to reveal the 'X' icon. Clicking this will remove the response.

Step 5: Smart Grouping audience answers on Open-ended slides

On AhaSlides, you can intelligently group audience answers, enhancing the presenter's ability to interpret audience responses effectively. With Smart Grouping, the answers with similar meanings are clustered together, enabling a swift understanding of prevalent patterns within the responses.
To group responses within an Open-Ended slide, follow these steps:

1. While presenting the open-ended slides, navigate to the bottom of the presenter's screen.
2. Click on the 'Group' icon.
By clicking on the 'Group' icon, AhaSlides will instantly organize audience answers with similar meanings into different answer groups. The key point of each answer group will be displayed as the group name. The presenter can click on each group to see all the related responses.

Conversely, you can click on the "Ungroup" icon to separate the answers. Subsequently, the presenter's screen will display all audience answers as usual.
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