Whether you're collaborating within your team or with people outside it, here's how it works:
- Collaborating with team members in your team plan is available on all plans, allowing smooth teamwork regardless of your subscription level. More info on team can be found here: Managing your Team Members
- Collaborating with individuals outside your team is supported on Pro, Edu Large, and Enterprise plans. However, for a limited time, all users can enjoy external collaboration as part of a special promotional offer.

Please note that features of the owner's plan/subscription will not be shared through the collaboration feature.
Adding your Collaborators:
Add Collaborators to your Presentaion:
There are two ways to add collaborators to your presentation:
1. In the presentation editor toolbar - You'll see an icon containing your profile image and a ''+'' icon
2. You can also click on the Share menu button and choose Add Collaborators tab
Clicking either of these will bring up the invitation menu. From here, you can enter your collaborators email addresses and choose 'Editor' or 'Viewer' role for them
Once added, your collaborators will be listed in this menu alongside a dropdown box where you can change their role or remove them as a collaborator.

Your added collaborators will receive an email informing them that they've been given editing rights in your presentation. You will always remain the owner of the presentation.
Add Collaborators to your Folder:
1. From the Dashboard view, locate and select the folder you wish to share.
2. Click on the 3-dot menu positioned to the right of the presentation name within the selected folder and choose 'Add Collaborators'
4. In the provided field, type the email addresses of the collaborators with whom you want to share the folder. After entering the email addresses, click the 'Add' button to confirm and grant access to the selected team members.
Now, the chosen collaborators will have access to the shared folder within your Personal Workspace.
Editing and Viewing:
At present, it is not yet possible for two people to edit a presentation at the same time. While your collaborators have permission to edit and present the same presentation, there can only be one person actively editing or presenting the presentation at any given time.
Your collaborators can view the presentation while it is being edited. When your collaborators are viewing the same presentation, their profile picture will show up in the top toolbar beside the 'Invite' button.
When there is one person editing and one person viewing the presentation, the one who is viewing will see a bar appearing at the top of the editor:

Users seeing this bar will have two options:
- Take over - Pressing 'Take over' will immediately make you the editor of the presentation and will turn whoever is currently the editor into a viewer.
- Refresh - Pressing 'Refresh' will refresh the page so that you can view any new changes made by the editor.
As long as there is no one currently editing or presenting the presentation, any collaborator can press the Present button to start presenting that presentation immediately.
Finding Shared Presentations or Folders on the Dashboard:
As the owner, any presentation or folder that you share with a collaborator will still appear in the 'My Presentations' tab with the rest of the presentations you've created.
As an added collaborator, any presentations or folders that you've been invited to collaborate on will appear in the 'Shared with Me' tab.
From here, any added collaborator can Leave a presentation/folder that they've been invited to edit by right-clicking on them (or clicking on the 3-dot button on the right side), then choose 'Leave'
For presentations:
For folders: