This video explains how to make a live quiz, including everything in this article. If you are looking for a specific part in the video, please click the bottom-right button to watch it on YouTube, where you can find each section time-stamped in the description of the video.
In a quiz, participants in your presentation compete against each other to get the most points by submitting the most correct answers to your quiz questions.
You progress through the quiz, pausing at each slide for players to answer the question on that slide. All players will see a question at the same time on their personal devices, they will be able to submit the answer from there before the time runs out.
Here you can see the screens of the quiz host (on the left-hand computer) and the quiz player (on the right-hand phone).
On the presentation editor, create a new slide and select any of the 4 'quiz' slides as the format for that question (Spinner Wheel is not a scored quiz slide).
15-Second Explainer ⏰: Leaderboard Slides 🏆
Once you have selected your quiz slide, a leaderboard slide will automatically generate after it.
A leaderboard slide will reveal the points tally for every quiz question that came before that leaderboard slide.
The final leaderboard slide will reveal the winner of the whole quiz:
If you want to hold your leaderboard slides until the end of the round, or the end of the quiz, simply delete all the leaderboard slides except for the ones you want to show.
On the leaderboard slide, you can manually award and deduct points. Simply hover over the name on the leaderboard, click 'Points' and enter how many points you would like to award, or enter a minus sign (-) followed by how many points you would like to deduct. (See here for more).
Now you are able to edit your slide. Here's what a 'pick answer' slide will look like when it's ready to edit:
3. Change the settings - Each quiz slide in your quiz has its own settings. Scroll down in the right-hand column to find the settings for your quiz question:
- Points: The maximum and minimum number of points it is possible to get on that question. If the 'Faster answers get more points' box is unchecked, then any correct answer will receive the maximum number of points.
- Faster answers get more points: Check this box to encourage players to answer quicker. For example, if the 'time to answer' is 100 seconds and the 'reward points' is set to 100 maximum and 0 minimum, then a player submitting their answer with 80 seconds left will receive 80 points.
- Time limit: The amount of seconds each player has to answer the question.
- Leaderboard: If this box is checked then the leaderboard will show when you move to the next slide. If unchecked, moving to the next slide will simply bring up the next quiz question.
When you have created your quiz slides, you can either invite your players to join your presentation, or you can join it yourself on your phone to test it out (which we recommend).
To start, press the blue 'Present' button in the top-right corner of the editor. This will take you into the quiz lobby, where players join your quiz before you start hosting it.
In the lobby, your players can join your quiz using either the URL code or QR code in the left-hand column.
👉 Important
If a player joins the presentation while the host is presenting a non-quiz slide (like a poll, heading or content slide), then that player has not yet joined the quiz.
To join the quiz, the host needs to present a quiz slide. When they do...
Your first question will show on your screen and each player's phone screens. Players will have the time limit you specified in the settings to answer the question.
Proceed through your quiz like this until the final winner is announced at the end!
📊 Quiz Report
Once you've finished presenting your quiz, you can check your presentation report to see how well your players did.
Find the report by clicking 'View presentation report' button in the top right toolbar and it will take you to the 'Participant Report', then you will be taken to your report page
Aside from the settings you can make on each slide (see step 2 for more details), you can also change the general settings for the whole quiz. These settings can be found by navigating to 'Settings' in the right side menu bar, followed by 'General quiz settings'.
Here you can turn on 'Play as teams'. Once you've done that, a button will appear inviting you to 'Set up' your teams.
When you click the 'Set up' button, you will be taken to the 'Team Set Up' menu, where you can do the following...
When players are joining the quiz, in addition to their name and avatar, they will be asked to select a team.
On leaderboard slides, the teams' scores will be shown. You can also click the button labelled 'Show Individual Ranking' to reveal the individual scores of each player in the quiz:
You can also let your players play a quiz without a host.
To set this up, navigate to the top toolbar of the editor and click 'Settings', followed by 'Who takes the lead'.
Select 'Audience (self-paced)'.
Now, your players will proceed through each question on their own. On leaderboard slides, they'll see their ranking against the rankings of every player who's already played the quiz.
1. Why isn't my quiz asking players for their names?
Usually, your quiz isn't asking players to fill out their name for one of two reasons:
2. How can I clear player answers on my quiz?
If you've just tested your quiz with a real device, want to reuse a quiz, or made a mistake and want to start a quiz over, you can clear any answers submitted to your quiz, all without affecting the content of your quiz.
3. How can I test my quiz?
The best way to test a quiz is by using Preview Mode. This is a test mode where you can try out your quiz from both the presenter screen and the player screen.